He hands me the newspaper and shows me an article titled "An Emotion We Need More of" by Elizabeth Bernstein in the Health and Wellness Section of the WSJ. It's about Hope. She talks about the importance of hope in building resiliency by researcher Dr. Scioli. She discusses presidents who invoke traits that inspire hope. There was a quiz from Dr. Anthony Scioli at Keene State College, Keene, N.H. you could take to find out how much hope you have with five simple questions.
I see myself as an optimist and practice positive psychology practices just about every day so I assumed I would score in the High Hopefulness or perhaps Medium Hopefulness.
I took the quiz and scored a 9. At the top of "Low Hopefulness".
What happened?
So why did I score so low?
Looking at that quiz from a more objective perspective I may have scored somewhere in the Medium to High range, but today was different. Recently I wrote an article for The Everyday Power blog on how to watch the news without getting depressed and angry and today I became my own example of what NOT to do.
I don't advocate that the thing to do is put your head in the sand and ignore the realities that we are facing in this world. Being realistic and informed is important. Negative emotions and feelings serve a purpose in life to motivate us and help us connect with others. We want to be aware and informed. The key is to find some sort of balance with engaging, positive and solution focused stories.
Recognize your personal level of hope and identify your own ability to focus on the transformative and positive.