Thursday, November 29, 2018


What does this mean to you? I see this as a reminder that self acceptance is first and foremost. We are all beautiful but so many of us do not see it and look for outside acceptance to judge our worth.
Do you accept yourself and know you are beautiful?

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


After celebrating Thanksgiving and looking forward to more holiday celebrations, I believe it is important for me to focus on all my blessings. This Wayne Dyer quote reminds me that life can be messy, difficult, and imperfect, and still be wonderful. We often struggle emotionally when we focus on how we believe things are supposed to be and not appreciating, enjoying, and accepting life as it is. The holidays just exacerbate that feeling. Keep this quote in mind as you move through the next part of the holiday season!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

This Thanksgiving as you sit down to celebrate with loved ones, remind yourself of all that you have to be thankful and grateful for in your life. No matter where you are in life, gratitude fosters happiness. If you are looking for a way to practice this holiday season, try writing down three things you are grateful for each and every day and why they are important. This simple FillYourBAGHappy exercise is an easy tool to use! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Simple Monday Motivation to reach out and help someone else. Helping can mean just listening or being present with someone else. Small acts of kindness can go a long way.
How can you help someone this week?

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Get out and vote!

In the midst of this turbulent political environment, everyone seems to have an opinion on how things should be, but are they actually doing something to make it happen?
No matter where you stand politically, your vote is important! Please take the time to get to know the candidates and the issues in your area and make an informed vote Tuesday November 6th.