The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. by Lao Tzu. What does that mean to you? For me it is a reminder that even when things seem unsurmountable, I can take a step in the right direction. Often, task or changes in life seem so impossible and difficult that we don't now where to begin. I often say to clients in therapy sessions that they don't need to fully see the entire top of the staircase to take the very first step. Start with small manageable chunks and go from there. It is important to note that we all have to start somewhere and whether it is about starting therapy, taking on a project or setting an important goal - we all start with the first step.
Some things to reflect on this week: What have I been putting off? How could I break it down into smaller steps? What does step one look like? What is holding me back? How can I address this obstacle?
If anyone would like to reach out and share what this week's message means to them and how they can act on it, feel free to contact me through
Have a wonderful week!