Maximize Wellness blog focuses on happiness, mental health, mindfulness, positivity, gratitude, parenting, compassion & other bright spots to help you feel happier, healthier & more productive each day! Visit maximize-wellness.com to learn more about therapy or coaching services, local workshops, books, or #fillyourBAGhappy practice.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
#MondayMotivation 11.23.20
As we approach Thanksgiving week, it may look different for some of us this year. Keep in mind that this, like all things in life, is temporary. We know that the world has changed due to covid19 and we are approaching a potentially difficult winter. Gratitude is a way of focusing on what we have and allows us to brighten and broaden our perspective. It is not about "toxic positivity" (which means feeling or acting cheerful or happy when you are not), it is about realistic gratitude. That means recognizing imperfections in life, validating feelings, and looking for the good. Humans have an evolutionary negative bias that can hold us back from seeing and recognizing the good that exists in our lives. Gratitude is about noticing, cherishing and savoring the good.
#fillyourbaghappy #fillyourbag #mondaymotivation #grateful #gratitude #thankful #thanksgiving #thanksgiving2020 #peace #seethegood #savor #maximizewellness
Thursday, November 12, 2020
#MotivationMonday 11.16.20
It is time to work together.
I realize it is easier to say that if the candidate winning is the one you support. I get that I sit from a place of privilege right now, but four years ago I did not. Four years ago I was shocked and disappointed. Despite my personal feelings I moved forward with an open mind. I treated people respectfully no matter what side of the political isle they were on. I do not hide my political views however I do not bash or blame those that see things differently from me. Working together is crucial. My words from 2016 are still true today. You can read that article right HERE.
#mondaymotivation #fillyourbaghappy #together #HelenKellerquote #USA #2020 #timetoheal