Thursday, February 28, 2019

#MondayMotivation 3.4.19

It is so easy to get caught up in the past and regret. We ruminate on what should have been or we could have done. Take that energy focused on regret and use it to move forward in a new direction. You can can't change what happened but you can absolutely focus on what next!

#fillyourBAGhappy #startwhereyouare #betheheroofyourstory #youshoosetheending #maximimizewellness #mondaymotivation

Thursday, February 21, 2019


This quote reminds me all that I have and focus my energy on gratitude for what is instead of focusing on what's missing. A simple gratitude practice #fillyourBAGhappy reminds us to notice and appreciate the bright spots, accomplishments and what we are grateful for each day. 

#grateful #hemingway #fillyourBAGhappy @motivationmonday

Thursday, February 14, 2019

#mondaymotivation 2.28.19

In today's social media world we are constantly comparing ourselves to others and checking in to see if we are "keeping up with the Jones'" like never before. We live more publicly than ever before and that can take us away from appreciating and loving ourselves as we are. This quote reminds me that beauty is everywhere and within ourselves. What others may or may not be doing does not take anything away from us. Just bloom...

#mondaymotivation #flowers #beauty #zenshinquotes #loveyourself #maximizewellness #fillyourBAGhappy

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Remember to love yourself this Valentine's Day!

#mondaymotivation #valentinesday #love #loveyourself #fillyourBAGhappy #maximizewellness #selfcompassion #selfcare

Friday, February 1, 2019

#MondayMotivation 2/4/19

We all have different strengths and talents and according to Albert Einstein we are all geniuses. Although we all don't fit into the same mold or have the same strengths, we all have so much to offer. When you are feeling defeated, remember these wise words.

#alberteinstein #mondaymotivation #fillyourBAGhappy #maximizewellness #strenghts #power #survival #ownyourstrength