Monday, July 29, 2019

#MondayMotivation 7.29.19

This quote comes from Rick Hanson in his book, "Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom. It is one of my favorite books and one I recommend often. I bring it up to introduce a treatment modality that focuses on the brain. It is called brainspotting (BSP). It is a powerful neurobiological tools derived from EMDR treatment with is used to treat emotionally-based conditions and physical symptoms related to trauma and past events. Often times people who have experienced significant trauma are not able to talk openly about them, but with BSP they can begin to heal without verbalizing the traumatic event. 
As a psychotherapist I have found that by using neuroscience, mindfulness-based contemplative psychotherapy and BSP in my practice I am able to have a more profound impact on those people who may have been stuck with unprocessed events. Check out this link to learn more: BSP

#MondayMotivation #Brainspotting #BSP #whereyoulookaffectshowyoufeel #yougotthis #fillyourBAGhappy #therapy #mindfulness #meditation #EMDR #mindfulawareness #neuroscience #psychology #heal #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #maximizewellness #RickHansonQuote

Monday, July 22, 2019

#MondayMotivation 7.22.19

We don't need to deny our feelings. The urge to "fix" can be super strong, but sometimes what we need isn't a solution, but simply to be heard. It is ok to feel.  Give yourself and others the space needed. Walk through to get to the other side. When you see someone else in pain, be with them. That is the way to help heal. Mr. Rogers reminds us it is ok to feel. Vulnerability is a strength. 

#vulnerability #itisoktofeel #MrRogersquote #fillyourBAGhappy #allemotionshavepurpose  #mondaymotivation

Monday, July 15, 2019

#MondayMotivation 7.15.19

Other people's opinions do not define you, you decide you're worth. When other people judge or try to put you down, remember that they are acting on what they are feeling about themselves, more than it is about you. You are absolutely in the driver's seat of your life and you're worth. Don't let anyone tell you differently. 

#badass #fillyourBAGhappy #maximizewellness #mondaymotivation #deepakchopra #knowyourworth #noonedefinesyoubutyou #yougotthis

Monday, July 8, 2019

#MondayMotivation 7.8.19

Are  you a glass half full or glass half empty kinda person? Well, either way, life is going to hit you just the same. How you respond makes a difference. How do you see the world?

#fillyourBAGhappy #mondaymotivation #glasshalffull #optimism #grateful #martinseligman #positivityquotes #positive #maximizewellness #mentalhealthmatters

Monday, July 1, 2019

#MondayMotivation 7.1.19

Brene Brown is one of my favorite social workers, authors and speakers. If you have not seen her Netflix special, I highly recommend it. She is an expert on vulnerability and has so many lessons to teach others. This quote is one of my favorites. It is a reminder that who we are is important. When we spend our energy focusing on what we do not have or did not accomplish, we lose sight of how amazing we are. Be you and love you!

#BreneBrown #MondayMotivation #BEYOU #BEBRAVE #vulnerability #fillyourBAGhappy #selfconfidence #selfcompassion #selfworth #selflove