Thursday, January 29, 2015

Zoom in

Last night I had an opportunity to talk to a wonderful group of folks looking get better control over diabetes and lifestyle changes.  So often we tell ourselves that we will "eat better" and start to exercise... but what does that mean?  Can we be more specific?  Can we set SMART goals?

I have talked about SMART goals in this blog, but today I want to go a little further and share an idea that came from a fantastic book I just read called Before Happiness: the 5 hidden keys to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change. This book was written by Shawn Achor and published 2013 by Crown Publishing, a division on Random House, Inc. NY.

The idea that stood out is called "Zoom In"

Shawn Achor talks about research showing that if we change the PERCEIVED distance to a goal, we will actually be more likely to get there and do it faster.  

So by taking the time to sit down and identify what steps you have ALREADY accomplished toward your goal, you put yourself closer to the actual target.  
Spend a few minutes celebrating how far you have come and write out the steps you have completed. Check them off - feel the satisfaction of what you have accomplished and see that target as close and closer with each checked box.

Try it and let me know what you think!


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